- I am an atheist. That means I don't believe in God. Unlike some atheists, who just have a lack of belief, I actually have a firm belief that God does not exist. While I respect those who are religious and know many intelligent, rational-minded theists, I am continually baffled as to how intelligent, rational-minded people can believe in fairy tales.
- I can not see anything wrong with homosexuality. I believe that it is a sexist attitude to say that it matters what gender your partner is. I believe that gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry and that the union should be in fact called a "marriage" not a "civil union" or any other dorky thing to make it sound different because we all know it isn't. I also admire homonsexuals because they have the courage to come out of the closet and be themselves despite social norms.
- I believe that war is wrong. It is murder. While I understand that sometimes governments and soldiers go to war with the best of intentions, it is never never never a good idea. The bad always outweighs the good, and any good that comes in the end could have been acheived with less blood, and less money.
- I believe that abortion is not murder. It should be a woman's choice whether or not to have a baby (even if she's had unprotected sex). It is ridiculous to give any rights to a human life before anything resembling a brain has developed.
- I believe that stem cell research should be allowed. I understand that this research has the protentional to treat everything from Alzeimer's to AIDS (and other diseases that don't start with A). Why people have problems with experimenting with human tissue, I have no idea.
- I believe that humans are animals, more specifically primates. Even if Darwin didn't have that theory it would be obvious . Look, we have oposable thumbs, they have oposable thumbs. It ain't rocket science.
- I believe that scientists should go ahead and try to clone animals, including humans, for no other reason than it's cool.
- I believe that it's okay to eat bacon, steak, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, sausage and bologna, even on Fridays. If we all became vegetarians and let all our farm animals roam free in the wilderness, they would all die of exposure, hunger, thirst, or stupidity in a matter of days. Cows, pigs and chickens have been bred and raised to be our food, to not eat them would be a waste.
- I believe that every person is kind, unkind, annoying, rude, polite, considerate, inconsiderate, loving, hateful, intelligent, and stupid.
- I believe that the Star Trek franchise is the best science fiction franchise ever. It beats Star Wars out of the water. Star Trek: the Next Generation is the best series of any genre.
Well that's all I can think of right now. I'm sure some of you hate me by now, but that's a risk I was willing to take in order to express my beliefs. Woohoo!