Thursday, November 06, 2008

My poor sick cuddly bear

Last night at around 4am William woke up very congested and feverish. From then until now, I've spent quite a bit of time lying next to him in his bed. Sometimes he plays with my hair, sometimes he snuggles into me. When I need to leave the room, I often have to lift his sleepy head off of my arm, and occasionally pry a section of my hair from his fingers. Sometimes I can get out of bed without disturbing him at all, but I don't, because it's nice just to watch him sleep.

When you have a child who loves to run, jump, dance and climb, you have to treasure the cuddly moments. Not that I want him to be sick, no, it breaks my heart to see him in any discomfort. Especially since I'm the one he runs to for hugs when he's upset, hurting, or sick. It's more than love, I think he truly believes that I have some sort of magic power to take his pain away.

In a way I do, kind of. Give him some children's tylenol and within a half an hour he miraculously becomes good old William, wanting to babble, and play with cars, and eat fruit, and colour on the table. But I don't want to have him drugged up all the time, because I know that a fever is a good thing, the body fighting off infection. So mostly I just give him hugs, and let him sleep.


Betsy said...

Hey, Jennifer - I hope William is feeling lots better today. Your blog brought back memories of cuddling a (very) warm little one and the great feeling of relief when all was well again. I felt the same way about fever's job and the good news is that we have three adult children with pretty strong immune systems - and who are kind enough to give their old mom a hug now and again which, I'm sure, gives my immune system a recharge!!

zydeco fish said...

What a good mother you are.

Becca said...

Aw Jen... I hope he feels better soon!

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