Monday, May 03, 2010

Dinner conversation with William

William: "If I eat my ribs all gone then I will grow bigger and bigger like a dinosaur and you can let me out of the house and I will just CRUSH all the cars."
Adam: "What will happen to the people in the cars?"
William: "Oh, they will just get hurt."
Adam: "You don't want to hurt people do you?"
William (cheerfully): Yes I do!

Later on:
William: "Mommy if you eat your ribs all gone then you will grow bigger and bigger like a dinosaur and when Daddy lets you out we can be a family"
Me: "But we already are a family."
William: "No, a DINOSAUR family."


Columbia Thorndale said...

I want to be a Dinosaur Family

Sylvia McNicoll said...

Don't worry he's not an apathetic serial killer.
Tell him he might accidentally crush omi's car and then no purse candy for him

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