When William and I got back from Mother Goose class this afternoon we saw five police cars parked in front of our building (by "we" I mean the royal we, William was asleep and didn't see anything). I asked our security guard why we had a sudden need for the squadron of law enforcement vehicles, but he didn't know.
I rode the elevator with two officers, both of them sporting bulletproof vests and packing heat (that's cop lingo meaning they had guns). I asked them why they were here and they said "we're looking for a missing person."
A missing person eh? A missing serial murderer/rapist who preys on innocent condo residents? I locked my door just in case. Anyway, in the unlikely event that any of those cops are reading this: Good luck in your search.
ummm... I'd be kinda scared too.
I like the pics though!
The cops are gone...they left after like 15 minutes. I don't know if they found their "missing person"
Caz will really have to give you a lesson on how to get glean information out of people when she comes over! If that had been her she'd have pinned the police guys against the wall till she got all the gory details from them!!!!!
Actually they weren't police "guys". Both officers were women.
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