So yesterday at around 2 pm, I felt a bit nauseous. Honestly though, it was nothing. I thought I had just strained my eyes from using the computer so soon after eye surgery. I puked a little and felt better. I was sick for all of five minutes. No big deal.
One of my best friends recently found out that she is pregnant and I thought, wouldn't it be funny if I was pregnant too. I wasn't serious, of course, because I didn't feel pregnant (despite the puking). But just for fun I walked down to the pharmacy and bought a stick to pee on:
I know what you're thinking, that's obviously a positive. But that picture was taken today, a full 24 hours later. You aren't even supposed to trust the stick after 10 minutes. At that time the up-and-down line was so faint it could have been imaginary.
I called my husband and he came home right away to take me to the doctor (and because he knew I would be a basket case). My doctor was too busy to see me (he doesn't understand yet that I am his most important patient), so I had to go to the walk-in. I waited for a hundred and four years and they made me pee in a cup. Then some strange doctor told me that I wasn't imagining things. I really am pregnant.
Possible pregnancy symptoms so far:
- 5 minutes of nausea and mild puking yesterday afternoon.
- Waking up at 4 am this morning to whisper "You're going to be a Daddy," to my loving husband.
- Pacing around my apartment like a dodo bird thinking baby baby baby baby baby baby.
- Making spaghetti for lunch. I know, how is this a symptom? I don't usually make stuff for lunch. Usually I eat whatevers leftover, or I graze the fridge. The most I'll do is a sandwich. Today I boiled pasta and made sauce and everything. I wouldn't say I craved spaghetti though, I just felt like it.
That's it. I still don't feel pregnant.