Thursday, March 16, 2006

African children are not stupid

This is odd because I've only dreamt that I was someone else once before.

So in my dream I was a man with a wife and two children, both probably in their early teens. I think we were rich because we lived in a big house. I had one of those jobs that you have to travel a lot. I was going to go to Africa and my family didn't want me to go. My son had a dream about a rat and he was terrified because it somehow foreshadowed my death. My daughter told me "People in Africa are stupid", and I explained to her that African children are very intelligent and if they had the money we have they would be almost the same as us.

On our kitchen table there were tiny fruit trees growing in bowls. My daughter took the last peach and I had to settle for an apple. There was also a tiny strawberry tree and a tiny blueberry tree. I was going to have some blueberries but when I looked closely at the tree I saw that there were tiny mushrooms growing on it. I guess my daughter felt bad, because she threw me the peach from across the table. A tall, chubby black man was there (maybe he was going to go to Africa with me, I don't know) and he said something like "your daughter is gullible". I replied "No, she's generous." I was proud of her.


Becca said...

That "Chubby Black Man" Appeared in both dreams too... I wonder what he means?

Becca said...

Oh, And you had to travel in both dreams.... They probably have somthing you were deling with that is similar then and now.

zydeco fish said...

There's a lot of fruit in that dream. What can it mean?

Super Happy Jen said...

B: I didn't meven notice that the chubby black man appeared in both dreams. He must be symbolic or something.

Z: According to the dream dictionary fruit could either mean prosperity or sexual desire.

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