Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

This year is the first that I have both a Mom and a Mom-in-law so I had a full day of fun. First, Adam and I brought our heavy duty waffle iron over to my parents house for a special mother's day breakfast. Then off to Bronte Creek, for the trillium trail, some allergen producing farm animals, and the play barn (for my nephew, apparently I became too old for the play barn 16 years ago). The peacocks and goats ate right from our hands, and there were piglets.

For more farm fun it was off to the in-law family farm (actually it belongs to Adam's uncle, who spontaneously decided to start a vineyard a month or two ago.) I got to drive the brand new tractor! Check out the pic. Do I not look like I was born to farm? (Well I wasn't, I'm allergic to nature. Though I've 80% grown out of my allergies, my thinks).

Just think...this will be one of the last pictures of me with glasses on. (And without them, I won't be wearing nearly enough red).


Becca said...

You'll just have to wear the red tractor more often ;)

Anonymous said...

Ohh I'd love to have farms in the family. Now this must stem from my childhood, how I loved to play with plastic farm animals and hay barns hehe.

You look great on the tractor! lol

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