Thursday, June 15, 2006

Stuff that's going on (1-3)

1 I blogged before about my sweet German grandmother. Well Omi's in the hospital right now. My whole family went to visit her on Tuesday when she got there (we all kept sneaking in even though only one person was "allowed"). Then Mom and I visited with her yesterday. We watched a romantic comedy (Omi's genre of choice) on Mom's laptop then spent the rest of the day following Omi's stretcher around while they did all kinds of tests and x-rays. She'll stay in the hospital until she can get into a nursing home. With the alzeimer's and everything, she really can't live by herself in the condo anymore.

2 On a lighter note. This morning I had my first prenatal. I just love having people poke at my cervix. Woohoo! My doctor couldn't determine my due date from the last ultrasound because it was too early, so I get to do another one at the end of the month. I had this list of questions about what to ask the doctor, but who knows where that went and I only remembered a few. He said that it's probably okay to eat peanut butter as long as it's not a million tonnes, and that bug spray with deet is no good, and to also be careful of the natural kinds because they may have funky ingredients. I have A positive blood. I told my doctor that I knew I would get an A+. He thought that was the most hillarious thing in the world and gave me a high five.

3 Still working for the census except I'm now enumerating at a call centre for an hourly rate. This is a thousand times better than getting paid per form (we were given the choice). I was on the phone calling peeps tonight from 7 to 9 and I only got 2 census forms filled out (they take about 3 minutes each). All the other numbers were not in service or nobody was home. The call list we're given sucks. No, really, it sucks. Only maybe 55% of the listings have phone numbers and another 80% of those are not in service or wrong numbers. I don't know where the government comes up with these phone numbers, perhaps they came to the prime minister in a dream.


Maritza said...

You know, when you didn't post for a day or two I was worried! Dropping by with a shout out!

Carol said...

Really sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I hope she's well...
Take care of yourself. :)

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