- We have a toddler still in diapers, so much of our garbage is made up of festering poop. Some municipalities take diapers in the green bin that gets picked up weekly. Not ours, of course.
- Two weeks ago, our last garbage day, the sanitation engineers neglected to fully empty our giant outdoor garbage bin, leaving half of the waste (and whatever is feeding on it) still in the bottom.
- Last week, our last garbage and recycling day, was on Tuesday instead of Monday because of Thanksgiving. Of course we forgot and didn't put it out.
- This weekend my inlaws came for dinner so we cleaned the house. This left us with a lot of extra "cleaning" garbage and recycling.
This means we have, in our yard, 3 weeks worth of festering poo, 2 weeks worth of rotting kitchen garbage, plus whatever waste has been hiding under our furniture since we moved in.
I had to read that right before lunch ...
wow.. people have really weak stomachs
( and like you can't expect this comment- you left yourself wide open)
I'm still and advocate for cloth diapers - at least that still wouldn't be sitting around :D
Oh and if you use gdiapers - they will accept those in your green bin.
Becca: As much garbage as I have, it's nothing compared to the amount of laundry I have to do.
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