Friday, February 27, 2009

Sock foot, bare foot

My husband took this photo of his feet, then came to me and said "You should make a blog entry about how I only wear one sock. There's a picture on your camera." This just proves that he only does it to get attention.
I concede that there may be reasons to take off your socks randomly and leave them scattered throughout the house, under your compuer desk, in and around the couch, on the dining room table, in the kitchen. Maybe the elastic band was strangling your ankle, perhaps your feet suddenly became unbareably sweaty, perhaps you couldn't bare that giant hole any longer. But why take off one sock and not the other?
I can't stand it if my right foot feels different than my left. So I asked Adam how he could bare the single barefoot. Now that I've noticed he seems to think the quirk annoys me. So he now does it deliberately, rather than unconsciously. I have also caught William, and even Jadzia, sporting only one sock.


Adam Filipowicz said...

ha.. my feet look funny

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine ALWAYS wears mismatched socks. And when I say mismatched, I mean tube sock and ped or spa sock and athletic sock. I can hardly wear two socks that are the same, but different colors. My socks have to match in weight, length, and feel. I can totally not imagine wearing only one sock. At least Jadzia has an excuse, she's a baby.

Super Happy Jen said...

I actually do wear mismatched socks most of the time, it's one of my trademarks. But they have to FEEL the same. Can't be one thick and one thin, or one short and one long, but they can be different colours and patterns.

zydeco fish said...

Mismatched socks are fine, but one on and one off is freakin' irritating.

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