Friday, January 19, 2007

Still Pregnant

I'm at work today in the flourescent pink dust cloud. Apparently my dad, who also works here, has started an office pool predicting when I'm going to pop. Someone here is going to make 100 bucks. Not me, I'm just going to make a baby.

There are bets marked down for as early as this Monday. That would suck because it would leave me with one shift to go before I make my 600 hours. I'm not too worried about it though, I'm sure I'll still be pregnant on Valentine's Day.


zydeco fish said...

Shoudln't you win half of the money? You know, a 50/50 draw. I'd insist.

Super Happy Jen said...

Except that I think the pot is only up to $100. So half of that would be only $50 (yes, I'm a math genius). I make more than that just sitting in the dust cloud for a day.

Carol said...

Jen I'm hoping the baby makes an appearance on Feb 5th - that's my Hubby's birthday so it'd be easy to remember lol. But if I was working there and put money on his arrival date, I'd go with the 9th. :D Don't ask me why, it's just a feeling... ;)

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