Friday, June 11, 2010

Vacation Day 1: Buffalo

I`m writing from our hotel room in Buffalo.  We`re staying overnight here and flying to Phoenix tomorrow with a stop-over in Chicago.  It`s cheaper this way, which is good, because we`ve already eaten out twice and we haven`t even left our time-zone yet.  First at the International House of Pancakes (which sounds so much fancier than IHOP), then at Ruby Tuesday`s. American cuisine at its finest.

So far, putting Jadzia to bed in the playpen the hotel provided is less than successful, although she`s starting to quiet down as I write this.  Adam is reading William stories on the other bed, after which he will totally go to sleep no problem.

Now Jadzia is crying again and William is saying ``I don`t want to sleep`` so I should probably shut down the computer and figure out what I`m going to sleep in (since I forgot to bring pjs).  I didn`t have much else to say anyway (except that this hotel has a salt water pool, so we had an early taste of the ocean this afternoon).


Cara said...

Thank-you for the update from the road. I'm totally going to live vicariously through you from the next two weeks! So excited to hear more.

I hope sleep comes easily for all of those involved.

PS Here's an email from Leyla:
mkmi77ttrryuiopuy666ubgvbvcx'/////;l0ukjhyui It says: "Do you want to go to a park William, Adam and Jen when you get back?"

Columbia Thorndale said...


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