The Dreaming Princess
Your head is in the clouds and you don't feel like
coming back down to earth any time soon. You
have a very active imagination and may find
sometimes that you enjoy fantasy more than
reality. You are sweet and girlish, a lovable,
kind dreamer given to flights of fancy.
Role Models: The Princess of "The Frog
You are most likely to: Be enchanted by fairies
after falling asleep in the forest.
What Kind of Princess are You? - Beautiful Artwork (Original Music is BACK!!!)
brought to you by Quizilla
I'd have to say that's pretty accurate. But the Frog Prince Princess? Wasn't she a big spoiled snob or something? Anywoo, since I'm the dreaming princess perhaps I can dream up a fabulous new career for myself. Tallyho!
*****and after lunch******
We talked about attitude and self esteem. If this sounds hokey to you, you would be right. One of the things you can do is "positive affirmations". This is like when you stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself "I am fabulous" a hundred times. This has to be present tense affirmations. So you can't say "I will one day be an astronaut", you have to say "I am an astronaut." I imagine this makes it much easier to lie about your occupation while on a date, or at parties.
On the way home someone from my class gave me a lift, only she dropped me at Guelph and Prospect instead of Brant and Prospect. Closer than where I was, granted, but fairly far for the carless (me). My grandmother wasn't home so I used my long walk to practice my "positive affirmations". I decided to focus on my writing skills. I kept saying things like "I am a good writer", "I am a writer" and "I am in league with the best writers" until I got bored of that. I don't believe it any more or less than I did before (I don't think). Everyone knows that positive affirmations don't work for cynics.
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